15 Juli 2012

How to make Japanese Font

I'm making tutorial for people who don't know how to make Japanese Font so.. let's read!
ATTENTION : PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES AND STEPS, so you didn't get confused. More questions ,you can ask me on my page. My link page : click here 

First : Click the 'Start' Icon in your desktop.
Second : Click the "Control Panel" Button
(you can see the example at the picture above)

Then, below the "Clock,Language, and Region", there's a words named "Change keyboard or other input methods" <- Click it!
After that will appear the another box (the right picture) and click the "Change keyboards.." button.

After you click the "Change Keyboards" button, it will appear 2nd box.
Click the "Add.." button, after you click the "Add..." button, it will appear the 3rd box.
Scroll down and try to find "Japanese (Japan)" word, then follow the rules (at the picture above - 3rd box)
and if you're done, click the "OK" button.

After you click the "OK" button already, go back to this box and click "Apply" Button FIRST and then click "OK".

After you done setting-ing all the languages, it will appear that language bar (picture above). Click the "Input Mode" and click "Full-width Alphanumeric" for Japanese Font.

If.. the Language Bar doesn't appear in your window then..
click the "JP" or try to click at the bottom of your window and it will appear like that, then click "Show the Language Bar" for the Language Bar (like the before picture).

Then type at your Pico Box Chat and Enjoy! :D

You can also use Japanese Font at Facebook too. ^-^

hope this can be helpful for you all~

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